Digital Marketing Agency Case Studies

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Digital Marketing Agency Case Studies

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How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency, Digital Marketing Case Study with Solutions, Starting a Digital Marketing Agency Business Plan: The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing

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Making Digital Simple

With more than 5.7 million votes cast and counted, the 14th annual Choice Awards are officially over. Launched in 2009, … every year, for the past 10 years or so, I’ve identified the latest trends in digital marketing and predicted what the key trends will be for the next year. Its purpose is to help marketers and business owners discover new marketing ideas, review their investment budgets and consolidate their plans. There is always a lot of interest as businesses look at strategies they can use to gain an advantage using some new techniques.

Based on our RACE Digital Marketing Framework, this review covers the latest developments in digital marketing of various digital marketing tools that businesses can use, as shown in the visual below. We developed it to help businesses develop a robust approach to developing integrated digital marketing strategies across the 25 core activities we identify as part of the RACE Growth System. The following images illustrate common digital marketing activities across the customer lifecycle, taken from the book Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation, and My Experience.

I aim to make the forecast useful for people working in a wide range of businesses, as Smart Insights members range from small and medium-sized businesses to start-ups to large international brands in the retail, financial services, pharmaceutical and business-to-business sectors.

To make it easier to review digital marketing trends, we’ve gone above and beyond 25 key competitive activities to examine trends across the six pillars of digital marketing. We’ve identified these pillars to provide business owners and managers with a high-level view of the digital marketing success factors they need to invest in to provide a holistic approach to digital marketing. In a small business, this may be one person, such as a digital marketing owner or manager, but in a large business, one person may be responsible for each pillar with multiple team members. We cover six essential pillars for effective digital marketing:

Top Case Studies

1. Strategy and management (or management): Objectives – analysis, strategy (segments, objectives, brand positioning), integration, market alignment and sales, resources, structure, skill development and marketing technology.

4. Content: Content marketing strategies include content marketing, PDF downloads, interactive tools and blogs for product content and content distribution.

Download our free RACE Growth System Guide today and see our three-step approach to opportunities, strategies and actions to grow your business.

A digital marketing strategy is the key to success in digital marketing as it determines how the marketing budget will be properly allocated across pillars.

Digital Marketing Agency

Gartner’s latest 2022 Marketing Budget and Strategy research on digital marketing investments reveals budget allocation trends among large businesses:

Looking at non-media spend, again there is a balance between paid, owned and earned media. Insights and analytics attract a lot of costs.

The mix of marketing resources remained unchanged year-over-year, breaking down agencies and services (23.7%), paid media (25.7%), labor (24.9%), and marketing technology (25.4%).

Gartner research shows that businesses spend 25% of their marketing budget on marketing technology, according to their Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). This is a very high number because ROI can be difficult to determine and studies show that there can be difficulties in taking advantage of all the opportunities. Gartner explains

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“The 16 percent decline in overall martech adoption over the past two years is due to significant overlap between marketing technology solutions (30 percent of respondents), talent identification and hiring for acquisition/use (28 percent), and complexity. /expansion of marketing technology ecosystems (27%)”.

Although a quarter of businesses do not plan to launch in the next 6 months, the most popular ones that actually exist or have launched:

We believe this is highly relevant for large consumer brands and less important for small businesses or B2B organizations. To me, they are examples of niche applications that are interesting but less important than mainstream digital media channels like social marketing, organic and paid search, and email marketing.

We saw in the previous section that spending on business science and data analytics is trending upwards. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and, in particular, predictive marketing analytics is increasing.

Digital Marketing Case Studies By Promotedge

Another trend in the industry is consumers’ desire for privacy and restrictions on data usage as governments act to enforce them. Part of it is the Digital Services Act in the EU. In the US, many states have now enacted strong privacy laws and may continue to do so.

These laws can prevent targeting and analysis to protect consumers because they require restrictions on cookies and mobile device identifiers and minimize the use of other personal identifiers such as IP addresses and emails. It has responded to platforms like Apple and Google. The most important was the removal of support for third-party advertising cookies in Google Chrome (now moved to 2023). It also includes updates to the analytics platform, notably the launch of engagement mode in Google Analytics 4, which most businesses will see next year before the previous version is retired in July 2023.

Many companies will actively migrate their business to Google Analytics 4 in the next year. While there’s a lot of guidance on the technical side of migration, it often doesn’t explain the transformative implications of using GA for marketers and marketing teams – I recently ran a masterclass on using Google Analytics 4 to improve marketing efficiency. For our professional business members. We’ve also updated the RACE Digital Marketing dashboard to use Google Analytics 4 with Google Data Studio.

At a high level, the media available to marketers to invest in has remained stable over the years. In my latest version

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However, the mix between these media has changed. One of the biggest changes is the need to invest in paid media. Due to the need for social media platforms to monetize their platforms and intentionally limiting the platforms’ organic reach, “pay-for-play” is commonplace in social media. This chart shows that the two biggest categories of media spend are paid social and paid search. It would also be interesting to add an affiliate marketing option – it’s called co-marketing in my chart.

Globally, major social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Wechat and LinkedIn remain the largest platforms. However, their growth rate is slowing or declining, and participation rates are declining due to lack of innovation and fear of privacy. Although they are unlikely to be overtaken by new competitors, other relatively new networks such as BeReal and Supernova are gaining importance.

We identified content marketing as one of the 6 pillars of digital marketing because it supports all digital marketing activities, including different types of media, and supports conversion using digital experiences. In my experience, content is often not managed as a strategic asset, requiring dedicated marketing strategies and resources.

With Google’s latest profitable content update in Fall 2022, we’re reminding you of the importance of quality content, which can lead to higher shipping costs for quality content. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out Google’s article: What creators need to know about useful Google content.

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The Content Marketing Institute (CMI) is useful for understanding the latest trends in content marketing. Their latest report for B2B and B2C 2022 highlights the content marketing activities leaders are using.

Recent trends in content formats are shown in the following chart, which shows that the most effective content, such as webinars, research reports, white papers, and case studies, is still being tested. Rich formats like videos and podcasts are popular but underappreciated.

All in all, it’s bound to be a rich and interactive experience. This trend is also reflected in the following figure in my book.

Check out some of the latest innovations in the digital experience

Digital Marketing Case Studies

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